Alarm clock

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Free online alarm clock

Free online alarm clock

The name speaks about the main purpose of the alarm clock - a clock with a sound signal wakes us up in the morning. You can set an alarm at any time to get a reminder of an important task or leave the house on time. The online alarm clock requires no installation and works on a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.

An online alarm clock is a simple service that will help you not oversleep your studies or work.

Alarm history

A person who can always wake up at the appointed time without assistance is as rare as a reliable universal soldier. Ordinary mortals wake up from the alarm clock, and this has been going on for many thousands of years.

The first alarm clock was invented in ancient China, it did not look like modern mechanisms, but it coped with the task. The "Fire Clock" was a stick made of a mixture of sawdust and resin, and a weight suspended from it. The time of the smoldering of the stick and the fall of the metal ball on the stand was established experimentally. Of course, such a clock measured the approximate time, but it was better than waking up from the crowing of roosters or other unnecessary sounds.

Another prototype of the alarm clock was created by Leonardo da Vinci. His device consisted of two vessels, water from the upper one, drop by drop, filled the lower one and set in motion a mechanism that lifts the legs of a sleeping person.

In Europe, people woke up to the sound of the clock on the city tower. One of the first mechanisms on the Basilica di San Marco in Venice is still a popular attraction. Another rarity, the Peacock alarm clock, created for Empress Catherine the Great, is kept in the Hermitage.

The alarm clock, close to the modern mechanical device, was invented in 1787 by Levi Hutchins. His invention rang only once a day - at 4 am. The timing mechanism was invented and patented in 1847 by the French scientist Antoine Redier. Westclox created the famous Big Ben in 1908 - the sound of the bell woke everyone in the neighborhood.

The production of alarm clocks on an industrial scale began in the United States to get employees to come to work on time. The device was constantly improved and took on new forms. The inventors are surprisingly cunning in preventing people from ignoring the sound of the alarm. To silence some of these infernal machines, you have to chase them, throw them violently, or perform other difficult actions.

Interesting Facts

The need for sleep averages eight hours. Even after such a long sleep, a person will not be awake if he was awakened by a sharp ringing of the alarm clock. Try to choose calm tunes so that your first impression of the morning is not frightening.

  • The 2005 Snobel Prize was awarded to Gauri Nanda of Massachus for inventing the Clocky runaway alarm clock.
  • The knocker-up profession has existed in England for a very long time. In the early morning, the specialist walked around the city and woke people up by knocking on windows and doors. Before alarm clocks flooded the world, alarm bells in London received a few pence a week from each client.
  • Refined Japanese people wake up to the scent of flowers. Alarms with intensifying scent have been proven to work and are softer than regular ringtones.

If you want your morning to start right, set a reliable alarm! You will get better sleep if you do not wake up several times during the night looking at your watch. A free and functional alarm clock will wake you up on time and will not let you forget about your scheduled tasks.

Online alarm clock

Online alarm clock

In addition to its direct purpose - wake up in the morning, the alarm clock can remind you of important tasks that fill your day. Don't forget to set an online alarm clock and living on schedule will no longer be a pipe dream. When you ring, you can not only wake up, the sound of the alarm will tell you that it's time:

  • To take medicine.
  • Make a phone call.
  • Get ready for a meeting.
  • Remove the kettle from the stove or remove the pie from the oven.
  • Play your favorite show on TV.
  • Pick up the child from the kindergarten.
  • Get out of the house so as not to miss the train or plane.
  • Just break away from your computer and relax.

Make friends with the alarm clock and annoying situations when something important "flew out of your head" will become a rarity in your well-organized schedule.

How to use the alarm

Set the hours and minutes, select the sound signal and the alarm will go off at the appointed time. To see how the message will look and adjust the ringer volume, click the Test button.

You can activate the Repeat function if you like to take a nap after waking up. By default, you will have a minute before the next call, but you can choose a different interval.

The alarm will not work if:

  • The computer is powered off.
  • Sleep mode activated.
  • The browser is closed.

Do not close your browser or turn off your computer! To prevent your computer from shutting down without your knowledge, turn off Power Saving Mode. Remember to unplug your headphones and adjust the audio volume.

Useful life hacks

The alarm clock will ring on time, but its signal does not guarantee morning alertness. Here are some helpful tips for properly waking up:

  • There is an opinion that the sweetest nap minutes after the alarm clock is not very useful. Somnologists say that falling asleep again plunges into a deep phase of sleep, from which it is difficult to get out.
  • It is useful to take a sip or two of water right after sleep. It is a good habit to restore water balance and awaken the body.
  • It is best to wake up in sunlight. If it is cloudy outside or dawn has not yet come, turn on the brighter light immediately after waking up.
  • Coffee helps to drive away sleepiness, and even the smell of its beans invigorates. The citrus aroma works similarly.

An alarm clock is a faithful assistant, it will not let you oversleep important events and will remind you of things in time. Set an online alarm clock and let your every morning be good!